Microstomia is a chronic reduction in the dimensions of the oral aperture and although it is not classified by any particular size criteria, it is defined by its effects on function or appearance.
- · systemic conditions or autoimmune diseases affecting the connective tissues (such as scleroderma)
- · oro-facial syndromes.{ Freeman-Sheldon (whistling face) syndrome, Burton skeletal dyslpasia,Plummer-Vinson syndrome, Treacher collins syndrome}
- · post-surgical scarring following peri-oral procedures
- · following trauma( particularly electrical or chemical burn injuries)
- · head and neck radiation,
- · fibrosis of masticatory muscles
- Prosthetic rehabilitation of microstomia patients presents difficulties at all stages, right from the preliminary impressions to insertion of prostheses.
A patient who has significant chronic mandibular hypomobility and reduced oral aperture following surgery and chemoradiotherapy for an intra-oral squamous cell carcinoma |
- · the use of stock impression trays of each half of the mouth for sectional impressions with heavy and light body silicone impression materials,
- · flexible impression trays made with silicone putty.
- · modeling plastic impression compound has also been described to make sectional impressions of edentulous arches. ( mechanisms to connect sectional custom trays include hinges, plastic building blocks, orthodontic expansion screws or locking levers)
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